Tuesday, 1 December 2009

EU says churches must employ homosexuals

In perhaps the first test of the Lisbon Treaty, the European Commission has overruled the British government’s decision to allow religious groups to avoid giving jobs to gays. The EU says that UK concessions break a Brussels directive on discrimination. The National Secular Society had complained to the Commission about the opt-outs. Churches will now only be able to turn down homosexual applicants for jobs involving religious activities or practices. One Christian charity responded: ‘If evangelical churches cannot be sure that they can employ practising evangelicals with respect to sexual ethics, how will they be able to continue?’ Gay campaigners are also pushing for legislation to force churches to bless civil partnerships.

Sources: LifeSiteNews (24/11); The Observer (22/11)


Eric Helms said...

So regardless of where the many different people may stand on the issue of whether intercourse with people of the same sex is sin, what are the limits of government intervention in church practices...

Can they decide that it is discriminatory to preach Christ as the way of salvation?

Olive Morgan said...

These are dangerous waters.