Monday 3 August 2009

Girl with half a brain reignites debate over aborting disabled foetuses

A child with half her brain missing who has baffled scientists by enjoying a full life is being cited as an example of why babies with abnormalities should not be aborted. The ten-year-old German girl has surprised doctors by the way in which her remaining brain has rewired itself to enable her to function almost normally. Her existing hemisphere has even adapted to create nearly complete eyesight despite the fact she has only one good eye. The right side of her brain and her eye stopped developing when the girl was only seven weeks old in the womb. As in-utero scanning is increasingly being used to identify and abort babies with disabilities, pro-life supporters are angered that abortion has become a tool for eugenics.

Source: (28/7)


Granny Annie said...

Oh my goodness, it is not pro-abortion, it is pro-choice and the decision is made in every instance one-on-one. A choice is made either way in prayer between the expectant mother and God and God is the only allowed judge. We cannot help but see the hand of God in this child's miraculous life but we never see the hand of God in a prayerful choice to terminate a pregnancy. Miracles can come out of that choice as well.

Olive Morgan said...

What miracles!

Granny Annie said...

Olive, was that a question or simply and exclamation? If a question, I say the miracles come when an unwanted child is sent back to God's embrace rather than punished for its birth by being put through a life of physical, mental and/or sexual abuse and their tortured bodies are found on a trash heap.

Olive Morgan said...

Having had a stillborn child, I'm not sure that I agree with those sentiments.