Monday 7 September 2009

Archbishop employs political blogger as spin doctor

The Archbishop of York has chosen political blogger Kerron Cross as his new PR expert. Dr John Sentamu used Twitter, the social networking website, to publicise the post in June. His advert said: ‘As the current postholder moves to parish ministry I am seeking a Director of Communications. Is God calling you?’ Kerron Cross is a Labour Party activist and former councillor who described himself as ‘the voice of the delectable left’ on his popular blog. Mr Cross said: ‘I suppose God moves in mysterious ways! The serious fact is that this underlines the need for… organisations to embrace the usefulness of social media and new media in recruitment but also in communicating generally with a wider audience. The church should be no different.’

Source: Daily Telegraph (2/9)


Questing Parson said...

How true! The church always seems to bring up the rear.

Olive Morgan said...

Sometimes, QP, but not always! Today's furore about safeguarding checks sounds so familiar to methodists, who have had to suffer these rigorous checks for ages now!