Tuesday, 22 July 2008

Liturgy and Family Worship

I am grateful to Sally on 'Eternal Echoes' for bringing us a U Tube vieo message from NT Wright of Westminster Abbey, in which he describes the value of several services a day there. This comes at a time when I have just lost my fight to maintain some kind of fellowship/worship on Sunday evenings during the 6 weeks of the school holidays. He speaks of the hunger that many people have today and the way in which liturgy can meet their need. He is also encouraging families to engage in family worship, even in these times when families go off in different directions each day. Go over to 'eternal Echoes' and listen to this refreshing message.


seethroughfaith said...


consider yourself blessed though Olive ...

the decision was made not to have any services or prayer meetings in our church all summer since late May! (We'll resume the first sunday in August).

To be fair one member of the board has been active in getting some of us to host summer fellowship evenings in our homes on Tuesdays -but I miss worshipping on Sunday mornings.

The good news isthatit's been an opportunity to pray for the church and the leadership. Which was the point of the shut-out.

Olive Morgan said...

Thanks, Lorna. My fight was not so much for myself as for those who had started coming to our evening service only during the last 6 months. Personally, I can go to one of the town churches for 6 weeks, using the bus instead of having to seek out lifts to get to my own church in the evening.

I tried to establish a similar home fellowship as you have had but no-one felt able to commit themselves, even if they thought it was a good idea. (My own house is too far from the church and the new 'No parking' scheme near the school opposite has made parking difficult here.) Please pray that these newcomers will return to us in September.

You will be returning to normal evening worship this Sunday and I shall be thinking and praying for you in Finland.