Wednesday 9 January 2008

Methodist response to the crisis in Kenya

Anthea Cox, Coordinating Secretary for Public Life and Social Justice says “The violent turmoil in Kenya following the disputed election results has come as a shock. As one of Africa’s most stable democracies and most developed nations, Kenya’s crisis was difficult to foresee. The Methodist Church of Great Britain is closely watching the situation so that it can respond as appropriate.”

Kevin Fray, World Church Area Secretary for Africa, says: “The situation over the next few days will be very precarious. Our partners in the Methodist Church of Kenya (MCK) will be playing a vital role in helping to restore peace and stability. Their endeavour must be matched by our practical and spiritual assistance.”

During 2007, the World Church Office sent more than £150,000 of Methodist Church funds to support the mission of the MCK.

Kevin Fray continued, “When deciding how best to respond, we will be guided by the MCK. Once we can establish communication, we will be better placed to understand and share the need. In the meantime, we stand alongside all who strive peacefully for a just and fair solution to this tragedy.

“We also call upon others to join with us as we remember Kenya in our daily prayers and church services.”

Teach me your word, O my Lord,
That I may walk in your righteous path,
Narrow and trying as it may be.
Give me grace to claim and love it as my own.
Hold my hand and never let me go.
Till in Zion I finally lay it all down.

Taken from a prayer by Margaret Wanjiru Kithinji, Women’s Fellowship Secretary, Methodist Church of Kenya
Day 8 (page 22) of the 2007-8 Methodist Prayer Handbook.

Source: 4/1/2008

I am sure that I do not need to ask, because you will all want to join me in onstant prayer for the people of Kenya and for their relatives and friends in other parts of the world who anxiously watch the TV pictures and long not only for news of their loved ones but for the restoration of peace in this beautiful country.

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